Coo Coo is released via specially designed paper bags which contain a QR code to the song and a link to all visual works related to the song by different artists.
The works include Phénakistiscope and Thaumatrope models designed by Ufuk Barıs Mutlu, Deniz Derbent, Erdem Kahraman & In Hoodies; t-shirts and bags made from recycled materials by reflect; chokers by The North Fox; pins; the comic-zine “Fatum” written and illustrated by In Hoodies and Eren Akdede respectively; videos, illustrations and photographs by Murat Güzelgün, Ucman Balaban, Mertcan Mertbilek, Yasemin Yasu, Baran Kurtoglu, Selin Çınar, Mert Tugen, Dilara Özden, Kübra Demir, Can Daglı, Derin Çiler, Olgun Kasıkçı, Ekmel Ayar, Sinan Kutluay, Nazan Aydın and Ogün Akgül.
The paper bags also feature links to remixes by Tim Wills, Iskeletor and VIIA.
Please click here to get all the files.
You can see some examples below.